@arthurturrell 1 year ago
Hey #datascience, #econtwitter, and #transport folks: today, we published data on the areas people can feasibly travel to using public transport starting from hundreds of thousands of points across the UK as part of analysis we did for @luhc. https://datasciencecampus.ons.gov.uk/using-open-data-to-understand-hyperlocal-differences-in-uk-public-transport-availability/ #gis
@thenextweb.com 1 year ago
We can look to science fiction shows for the future of urban transport
@thenextweb.com 3 years ago
If we make cities safer for women, everyone benefits
@thenextweb.com 3 years ago
Why people bought more ebikes during the pandemic than ever before
@DavidPraiseKalu 4 years ago
France is using #AI to check whether people are wearing masks on public transport-> https://bit.ly/3gkksYL by @verge #Davidpraisekalu #Tech #BigData #Python #JavaScript #Tensorflow #Pytorch #Keras #DeepLearning #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Technews #covid_19 @DavidPraiseKalu https://t.co/5MouMYvvG5
@nigewillson 4 years ago
France is using AI to check whether people are wearing masks on public transport https://bit.ly/2Wd5OL6 #ai #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #deeplearning #COVID19 #privacy #aiethics https://t.co/zyPkkoaxHo
@nigewillson 4 years ago
France is using AI to check whether people are wearing masks on public transport https://bit.ly/2Wd5OL6 #ai #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #deeplearning #COVID19 #privacy #aiethics #weandai https://t.co/6Qa7zpxHvh
@theverge.com 4 years ago
France is using AI to check whether people are wearing masks on public transport
@EmekaOkoye 4 years ago
London is using #DataScience and #AI to achieve its transportation goals which is: 80% of journeys in London to be made by walking, cycling and public transport by 2041. #SmartCities Cc @ChifeDr @dkoa @OsahonOkoh @banksinvogue @bayoadekanmbi @chamsone @TomiDee https://twitter.com/ipfconline1/status/1229805322589671428
@DIAMOND_H2020 4 years ago
❗️Today we are at #SSPCR2019 Conference presenting #DiamondH2020 project - seeking fair inclusion of women in public #transport using urban #BigData ️@andrea_gorrini, Transport Research Consultant at @systematica ➡️http://www.sspcr.eurac.edu https://t.co/BLQOeGiJfV
@neowin.net 4 years ago
Drivers could be banned from using hands-free mobile devices in England and Wales