@raw_labs 2 years ago
Second in our blog series on #NYC TLC #Taxi Cab #data. Just how many trips are taken by New Yorkers every year across Cabs, Buses, Trains and other transport services? Find out, without downloading and moving data. https://zcu.io/wc8p #dataproducts #bigdata #api #swisstech
@RenatoMunari 4 years ago
In Melbourne, transport road and traffic design teams use #drones and #AI to understand the behaviours of drivers at roundabouts and improve traffic modelling #IoT #Robotics #Robot #DigitalTransformation #future #technology #TechTrends #analytics #data #BigData #MachineLearning https://twitter.com/kashthefuturist/status/1204531892638240769
@BigDataIreland 8 years ago
The story of #bigdata, #IoT and public transport in London #dataanalytics #data http://buff.ly/1KtcOFy