@robinlovelace 2 years ago
Want to get started with reproducible #DataScience for sustainable transport research/advocacy/policy analysis? This minimal 'how to' guide on downloading and visualising open access data on movements and infrastructure can get you started: https://github.com/robinlovelace/sheffield_cycle_data #RStats https://t.co/trN0ASMF4X
@ctricot 4 years ago
Finding a good read among billions of choices. MIT researchers developed a technique for cutting through massive amounts of text that combines three popular text-analysis tools — topic modeling, word embeddings, and optimal transport #DataScience #AI #NLP http://bit.ly/37XOrkv https://t.co/7Nau00eAfK
@KirkDBorne 5 years ago
Multi-sensor movement analysis for transport safety and health applications: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0210090 by @vthakuriah and @KatarzynaSila #BigData #IoT #DataScience #MachineLearning #HealthTech #SafetyTech #GPS #Sensors https://t.co/IoDR499ZLT