@mashable.com 7 years ago
Distracted driving kills, so why don’t more apps have driver warnings?
@WIRED 8 years ago
The #CrashNotAccident campaign with the street safety advocates at Transportation Alternatives is about language, but it isn’t an academic exercise in ...
@theverge.com 8 years ago
National Transportation Safety Board wants all cars to autonomously prevent collisions
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @jp_mcginnis: deaths per billion miles traveled for different methods of transportation MT @SamWangPhD: http://election.princeton.edu/2015/05/13/train-travel-is-incredibly-safe/ http://t.co/G5oVOXRS4z
@pmarca 9 years ago
RT @conradhackett: Transportation-related deaths per million people India 281 Brazil 237 US 139 UK 44 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/17/upshot/fatal-accidents-as-a-global-health-crisis.html?_r=1&abt=0002&abg=1 http://t.co/as9GNGMS19
@theverge.com 9 years ago
Want fewer highway deaths? Build the animals some bridges