@robinlovelace 1 year ago
Heads-up #DataScience people + friends If you want to make transport planning more data-driven and effective: new jobs @activetraveleng incoming, likely next week. Please pass on this opportunity to use #rstats #Python #Data skills to inform policy https://t.co/lA9OQIP9CI
@DrMalcolmMorgan 3 years ago
Hi #rspatial people. I'm updating my lecture slides on #routing in #RStats. Have I missed any key packages? #GIS #Transport #DataScience @robinlovelace https://t.co/gGDPWpABIc
@ocadni 4 years ago
Our last work on the performance of urban public transport is out! What are the best performing cities? Is the public transport well distributed among people? Check it out: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.190979 http://www.citychrone.org #transport #citychrone #DataScience #dataviz #maps https://t.co/M7PEwLV1qg