@superglaze 7 years ago
RT @tds153: Does Ben Carson know about this? They're not for storing grain. They're for storing pyramids! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/17/mexican-pyramid-has-two-more-inside-scientists-discover?CMP=share_btn_tw
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @Simone_Biles: Having ADHD, and taking medicine for it is nothing to be ashamed of nothing that I'm afraid to let people know.
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @xeni: I still have medical slides of my tumor tissue. Would be interesting to know if I coulda avoided chemo, so wild. https://twitter.com/xeni/status/768635590052982784
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @JohnKirk: Abraham Lincoln said: "I don't like that man, I must get to know him better." Same principle works for tech. https://twitter.com/BenedictEvans/status/747555846490570752
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @rapoportwsj: You want to know why the Theranos story matters? 1000's of people made medical decisions with bad info, that's why. https://twitter.com/johncarreyrou/status/733091370563473408
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @EricTopol: You know medicine is changing when...a video game enters clinical trials @US_FDA approvalhttp://on.wsj.com/1WA0MQe https://t.co/8xu7xN5Ja8