@esMktDigital 11 months ago
RT @theomitsa: A great application of deep learning to medicine! @christabellecp in @TDataScience #MachineLearning @JagersbergKnut @bimedotcom @EstelaMandela @enilev @RLDI_Lamy @Khulood_Almani @tobiaskintzel @Analytics_659 @KevinClarity @Shi4Tech @sall… https://towardsdatascience.com/using-multi-task-and-ensemble-learning-to-predict-alzheimers-cognitive-functioning-7b46fe09f9ff?source=social.tw
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @balbert1: The pill, the condom, and the American Dream. Great @DKThomp @TheAtlantic thought piece. @isawhill @TheNC http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/08/the-pill-the-condom-and-the-american-dream/498206/
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @newsbeagle: Google Glass in the ER: "For medicine it's actually a great technology." http://spectrum.ieee.org/the-human-os/biomedical/devices/google-glass-gets-a-second-life-in-the-er by @Scudellari https://t.co/gJKSPQAoyf
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @SuB8u: Drones for delivering medication in emerging markets with limited infra. Great application! http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/04/a-drone-to-save-the-world/476592/ https://t.co/KT5yfYPbEe
@gigabarb 9 years ago
RT @cintLG: Great article by @chrissyfarr re: obstacles patients face in obtaining access to their own medical records http://goo.gl/FPh1dk #MU2
@BenedictEvans 9 years ago
RT @aarthir: This is a great piece on how 3D printing is revolutionizing medicine http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/11/24/print-thyself?currentPage=all