@theverge.com 2 years ago
Apple adds medication tracking feature to the Health app
@theverge.com 6 years ago
Apple’s Health app can now display medical records from 39 health systems
@theverge.com 6 years ago
Uber is driving patients to their doctors in a big grab for medical transit market
@theverge.com 7 years ago
Alexa will now give you medical advice, courtesy of WebMD
@theverge.com 7 years ago
The rise of the printed tweet in American politics
@theverge.com 7 years ago
GlaxoSmithKline and Google team up to create new bioelectronics health company
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Apple dives straight into health care with release of first CareKit apps
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Google AI group that conquered Go is now taking on healthcare
@theverge.com 9 years ago
England will sequence the genomes of 100,000 humans to tackle cancer and rare diseases