@androidpolice.com 8 months ago
Samsung Galaxy Watch 6: How to set set up and use the EKG feature
@RubeisGiovanni 1 year ago
Very happy that my paper "Liquid Health. Medicine in the age of #surveillancecapitalism" was accepted by Social Science & Medicine. I use Bauman's concept of liquefaction to outline the impact of #AI and #BigData on concepts of health, identities, and relationships in medicine
@stew_ilondanga 1 year ago
Another application of big data in healthcare is the use of personalized medicine. #gainwithstewartilondanga #AR #AI #MR #XR #NFT #Web3 #SaaS #AIoT #MLOps #Space #DevOps #fintech #Metaverse #VirtualReality #SlackFrontiers #CyberSecurity #MachineLearning #PodcastAndChill #PS5 #HBO
@kmborgwardt 4 years ago
I am listening to the audiobook version of @EricTopol's #DeepMedicine on the way to work these days. It's a very inspiring book for anyone working in the field, outlining a clear vision for the use of #MachineLearning in #Medicine. #DeepLearning #PersonalizedMedicine
@seizethedatum 4 years ago
Big thanks to @r_medicine for the chance to talk about our work! Lots of personal firsts for me in this talk: first time at R/Medicine, first slide deck w xaringan, first use of @rstudio cloud for a live demo! #rstats #DataScience