@youldash 2 years ago
After a work that lasted many months with considerable setbacks, I've finally completed the AI for Healthcare #Udacity Nanodegree program. Highly recommended to those interested in applying #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning and #DataScience techniques to solving medical challenges. https://t.co/303Oi07cFO
@ulmdesign 3 years ago
Building models for heart disease prediction using #MachineLearning techniques - #opensource > https://github.com/rtflynn/Heart-Disease-Model | #Python #DeepLearning #scikitlearn #keras #kaggle #heart #disease #medical #clinical #research #CSV #DataScience #NeuralNetwork https://t.co/gR0G2YG9pL
@DKFZ 4 years ago
#DKFZatHome Patrick Scholz, Div. of Computer Assisted Medical Interventions: "My #PhD topic is "Lifelong #MachineLearning in Surgical #DataScience" and focuses on #ML techniques minimizing the time & resource consuming data collection process, in cooperation with @uniklinik_hd" https://t.co/QJ33T6Do32
@jma0611 4 years ago
Over 24,000 coronavirus research papers are now available in one place. Open call for #AI researchers to develop new techniques for text, data mining that will help the medical community comb through information faster. #technology #datascience https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615367/coronavirus-24000-research-papers-available-open-data/
@niken59904793 4 years ago
Advanced Predictive Techniques with Scikit-Learn& TensorFlow https://www.couponed12.com/2019/11/advanced-predictive-techniques-with.html #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #DataScience #Medicine #MachineLearning #BigData #Healthcare #ML #HealthTech #deeplearn2019 #hadoop #BigData #Django #Python #udemydeals #udemycoupon