@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @darth: wow good thing ben carson didnt run for president https://twitter.com/rebeccagberg/status/798565554592346112
@tomkrazit 7 years ago
RT @repblumenauer: Wearing my good luck bow tie for all the cannabis measures on the ballot across the country! https://t.co/GLExbOfotx
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @jeremiahdillon: The coming decades will bring population shrinkage not seen since the Black Death. Good for wages, bad for GDP. https://t.co/IdqRsti8nF
@signe 8 years ago
RT @svrobo: Too late for medics - team NEDO do good job with stretcher #DARPADRC http://t.co/D26AaP60PX