@Primary_Immune 2 years ago
Pediatric #COVID19 in Africa ...tragic data reflects global health and medical inequities https://www.umaryland.edu/news/archived-news/february-2022/african-children-dying-of-covid-19-at-higher-rates.php #WomenInSTEM #digitalhealth #bigdata #openscience #scicomm #itrtg #globalhealth https://t.co/FBCY7s2AHQ
@PulseMedic 4 years ago
MSc in Digital Health - Apply Now for Sep. 2020 Entry The MSc in Digital Health provides training in the analysis of medical data and explores practitioner and industry perspectives on digital health. http://buff.ly/2Vss8ic #DigitalHealth #DataScience #BioInformatics https://t.co/1ORk1PZTwz
@HSLavoie 4 years ago
47% of physicians and 73% of medical students said that they are currently seeking out additional training to prepare for data and #digitalhealth innovations. Top areas were adv. statistics, #datascience + population health management. https://stan.md/2NSQSNv @StanfordMed
@ahmetilker1 4 years ago
A new era is at the dawn. An important paper by @pearsekeane and friends. Deep learning design for medical image classification by health-care professionals with no coding experience. #DigitalHealth #BigData #AI #ArtificialIntelligence https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589750019301086
@_bakulpatel 5 years ago
Excited about today’s announcement: FDA’s Digital Health team released a discussion paper with steps to consider a tailored framework for regulating #AI / #MachineLearning medical device software #samd #digitalhealth https://www.fda.gov/downloads/MedicalDevices/DigitalHealth/SoftwareasaMedicalDevice/UCM635052.pdf https://t.co/UZ4VyYLtk4
@daniel_kraft 6 years ago
#Apple announced today that its new health records service, which lets patients store personal medical data on their phone, will soon be open to app developers and researchers. By @chrissyfarr @CNBC #DigitalHealth #WWDC18 #BigData https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/04/apple-is-giving-medical-researchers-and-app-developers-new-ways-to-prevent-diseases.html
@DALupton 8 years ago
Latest blog post: Who owns your personal health and medical data? http://wp.me/p2sGsk-qm #digitalhealth #bigdata