@medical_xpress 11 months ago
#Machinelearning uncovers the best #drug combos to prevent COVID recurrence @UCRiverside @frontiersin https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-06-machine-uncovers-drug-combos-covid.html
@messageboardusa 3 years ago
#DETAILS How COVID Kills Some People But Not Others - Doctor (MEDICAL ... https://youtu.be/LV8wWhjTKRU via @YouTube #iot #Analytics #AI #ML #BigData #DataScience #Linux #IIoT #flutter #DevCommunity #WomenWhoCode #SmartCity #100DaysOfCode #30daysofcode #COVID19 #coronavirus #C19
@chidambara09 3 years ago
#COVID__19: 97 #medical #STAFF die from #ViRUS #humanitarian crisis worsens in #Yemen COVID-19 https://bundle.app/Z8bFuhkK #bigdata #VACCiNE #USA #canada #london #FemTech #womenWhoCode #UK #dataScientist #dataScience #Linux #FRENCHtech #100daysofCode #RStats #Javascript #France
@LuisMateusRocha 3 years ago
"In the future, our review process of #BigData research will include reviewers with such specific expertise." #duh Covid-19 studies based on flawed Surgisphere data force medical journals to review processes https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/12/covid-19-studies-based-on-flawed-surgisphere-data-force-medical-journals-to-review-processes?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Tweet
@MITCriticalData 4 years ago
“In our opinion, there is an ethical obligation to use the research exemption clause of the GDPR during the COVID-19 pandemic to support global collaborative health research efforts. “ https://publichealth.jmir.org/2020/2/e19279/ #ai #mitcriticaldata #bigdata #medicine #mit
@Deep_In_Depth 4 years ago
DarwinAI Open-Sources COVID-Net as Medical Imaging in COVID-19 Diagnosis Debate Continues https://buff.ly/2Jzyd6M #DeepLearning #NeuralNetworks #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #AGI #NeuroMorphic #NPU #DL #AI #ML #NLP #TensorFlow #Keras #PyTorch #Python #AutonomousCar