@digitaltrends.com 3 years ago
Incredible treatment allows paralyzed mice to walk again
@digitaltrends.com 3 years ago
How robotic exoskeletons can help paraplegic patients heal from injuries
@digitaltrends.com 4 years ago
No, you shouldn’t inject yourself with disinfectant to ‘cure’ the coronavirus
@digitaltrends.com 4 years ago
Study shows that living in space makes your brain grow larger
@digitaltrends.com 4 years ago
Surgeons put near-death humans into suspended animation for the first time
@digitaltrends.com 4 years ago
Canadian medical project demonstrates the health care potential of smart homes
@digitaltrends.com 4 years ago
Custom 3D-printed heads let doctors practice delicate brain procedures
@digitaltrends.com 5 years ago
UV-activated superglue could literally help to heal broken hearts
@digitaltrends.com 5 years ago
Think your kid might have an ear infection? There’s an app that can tell you
@digitaltrends.com 5 years ago
Chinese doctors use 5G to perform surgery from hundreds of miles away
@digitaltrends.com 5 years ago
Scientists have a way to turn off alcoholism: Blasting the brain with lasers
@digitaltrends.com 5 years ago
Inflating smart pills could be a painless alternative to injections
@coindesk.com 6 years ago
Survey: Most Medical Group Execs See Promising Role For Blockchain