@ResearchGermany 2 years ago
Scientists at @TU_Muenchen have now developed a new method of using molecular data to extract subtypes of illnesses 🩺 Read more about their work here http://ow.ly/WtrQ50JkC4X #MachineLearning #Biomedicine #MedicalTech
@DanDepledge 2 years ago
Are you a data scientist looking for a new challenge? The Hannover Medical School is hiring! https://mhh.hr4you.org/job/view/1292/bioinformatician-data-scientist-f-d-m?page_lang=en please retweet! #bioinformatics #DataScience
@dwtigard 2 years ago
I'm excited to share my paper "Big Data & the Threat to Moral Responsibility in Healthcare" - part of an excellent new collection on #BigData #MedicalEthics #InformedConsent (Open Access!) Contributors incl @pat_humm @McLennanStuart @alena_buyx & many more https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-662-62987-1_2
@AaltoUniversity 3 years ago
A new method for generating synthetic data could solve a major problem for research that depends on access to sensitive data - can help us develop better medical treatments and drugs without privacy worries. #MachineLearning https://twitter.com/FCAI_fi/status/1402197423435530242
@UnlearnAI 3 years ago
Check out @DataInnovation's newest Data Innovator interview: @ElineCMC spoke with @UnlearnAI Founder and CEO @charleskfisher. "[We are] using the kinds of data we encounter in medicine to build new #machinelearning technologies." #AI https://bit.ly/2Caub4v
@jma0611 4 years ago
Over 24,000 coronavirus research papers are now available in one place. Open call for #AI researchers to develop new techniques for text, data mining that will help the medical community comb through information faster. #technology #datascience https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615367/coronavirus-24000-research-papers-available-open-data/
@WolframResearch 4 years ago
Three new Wuhan coronavirus datasets are now live in the #Wolfram Data Repository. Explore genetic sequences, epidemic data & patient medical data. Put your #DataScience skills to the test & join the conversation: https://wolfr.am/coronavirus #nCoV2019
@milindkam 4 years ago
Chad is one of those rare people who expertly knows #gene technologies from the Human Genome Project to today. It is a pleasure to design and generate new data modalities with him and apply #MachineLearning to #smartdata to understand #cellbehavior for developing #medicines https://twitter.com/cellaritybio/status/1205554443275636736
@MedicalCareLWW 4 years ago
New blog post on AI and it’s potential to unlock more insights from EHR data. Free to read: https://www.themedicalcareblog.com/unlocking-the-potential-of-our-ehr-data-with-ai/ #MedicalCare #HealthIT #EHR #DataScience #MachineLearning @Alexa_OrtizNC @RTI_Intl @RTI_HealthIT @DanErim_MDPhD #AOM2019
@IainLJBrown 5 years ago
UB is developing a new data science librarian training program, thanks to a National Library of Medicine grant Read more here: https://ift.tt/2OmJkjr #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #AI #IoT #BigData
@IainLJBrown 5 years ago
Mount Sinai Invests $200M Into New Precision Medicine Data Science Program Read more here: https://ift.tt/2AFPwPT #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #AI #IoT #BigData
@ckrusemd 5 years ago
Everytime a new paper on blockchain publishes in medical data, its an exciting endeavour. Funk has the latest right here #Blockchain #Crypto #MachineLearning #RH http://ow.ly/XG6330kzUtS
@daniel_kraft 6 years ago
#Apple announced today that its new health records service, which lets patients store personal medical data on their phone, will soon be open to app developers and researchers. By @chrissyfarr @CNBC #DigitalHealth #WWDC18 #BigData https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/04/apple-is-giving-medical-researchers-and-app-developers-new-ways-to-prevent-diseases.html
@AcadayLabs 6 years ago
New Era, new Ethics : Proof Work aims to decentralize #Medical data by using the blockchain http://goo.gl/alerts/YZqtL #DataScience #AI #ML #DL #InternetOfThings #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #BlockChain #Technology #data #Blockchain #MEDTECH #MedtechRising
@WIRED 6 years ago
Qualcomm is developing an entirely new kind of healthcare—one where tools like VR help doctors better understand, diagnose, and treat patients in real life.
@WIRED 7 years ago
When this technique was proposed to the FBI, they said it wouldn't work. But new research explains that anyone with "sufficient technical skills" could ...
@WIRED 7 years ago
When this technique was proposed to the FBI, they said it wouldn't work. But new research explains that anyone with "sufficient technical skills" could ...
@GinnyOnHealth 7 years ago
Precision medicine: Analytics, data science and EHRs in the new age | Healthcare IT News #BigData #hit http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/precision-medicine-analytics-data-science-and-ehrs-new-age?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWWpoa1pEaG1OV1U1WlRCbCIsInQiOiJaK05lb0xjQjhNZFlkaEJ5MGEwZGRKRHJtbnJIMEczYVNSTWxsOWJZZkxQTUNYUWxyeFBlV1ArVHVpcHRNNVR3amZvWWY3RmhXbWRRNmhsV29aRmtuVXlIMzFEb3NiZ3BIUWVxbnE2bzFnUT0ifQ%3D%3D
@Talena_Inc 8 years ago
As #bigdata platforms specific to the medical field emerge, the value of new data management architecture grows http://buff.ly/20bQA1C
@mageeconsulting 8 years ago
SAP Gives Medical Data Software A New Purpose -http://news.filehippo.com/2015/12/sap-gives-medical-data-software-new-purpose/ #BigData #healthcare #technology
@WIRED 9 years ago
Whenever the FDA catches falsified data or unreported side effects, it issues a warning letter to document the bad research. That’s good. But a new study shows...