@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
K Health raises $132 million to launch AI-powered telemedical pediatric service
@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
Researchers find flaws in algorithm used to identify atypical medication orders
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
AI Weekly: AI joins the fight against diseases like coronavirus
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
AI Medical Service raises $42.9 million to detect cancerous lesions from endoscope footage
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
DeepMind’s AI predicts kidney injury up to 48 hours before it happens
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Google’s Calico partners with new biotech firm to develop anti-aging and cancer drugs
@OncoreIT 7 years ago
#BigData the Great Expectation http://bit.ly/1Spf6tL via @datanami#genomics #datascience #Cloud #medicine #IoT https://t.co/ecTScIkmfh