@sonu_monika 2 years ago
3 big hearings next week on accelerated approvals https://endpts.com/three-big-congressional-hearings-next-week-to-set-the-tenor-on-covid-19-drug-prices-and-arpa-h/ #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #5G #digitalhealth #FDA @sonu_monika
@erez_kaminski 2 years ago
Portable MRI's new Deep Learning software gets cleared by FDA. Whoever thought those huge MRI machines would ever become small scale! #health #healthcare #ML #AI #MachineLearning #Software #Medical #innovation #FDA https://hyperfine.io/hyperfine-receives-fda-clearance-for-deep-learning-portable-mri-defining-the-future-of-life-saving-diagnostics/
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#FDA releases guiding principles for AI/ML device development https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/fda-releases-guiding-principles-aiml-device-development #medicaldevice #AI #NLP #Analytics #BigData #Serverless #flutter #EHR #EmergingTech #cloud #DigitalHealth #Healthtech #hospitals #healthequity #MachineLearning #IoT #wearables #EMR @sonu_monika
@HarbRimah 2 years ago
We Should Test AI the Way the FDA Tests Medicines https://hbr.org/2021/06/we-should-test-ai-the-way-the-fda-tests-medicines #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #DEVCommunity #flutter #javascript #Serverless #CyberSecurity #Digital #innovation #DeepLearning #COVID19 #data #5G #technology #healthcare #Health #MEDTECH #FDA
@LancetDigitalH 3 years ago
NEW Comment: 'Continual learning in medical devices: FDA's action plan and beyond'. #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #FDA @UZH_en @PORTAL_Research @BrighamWomens @harvardmed @ETH_en https://bit.ly/3xCPmo0
@GSCollins 4 years ago
NEW PRINT on @medrxivpreprint (led by @JamesASmith92) Financial interests and evidence in public comments on the #FDA framework for modifications to #ArtificialIntelligence / #MachineLearning learning-based #Medicaldevices https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2019.12.11.19013953v1 @ndorms @OxfordBRC @CSMOxford