@venturebeat.com 6 years ago
U.S. House passes bill to renew NSA warrantless internet surveillance
@venturebeat.com 6 years ago
U.S. lawmakers seek temporary extension to internet spying program
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Group linked to NSA spy leaks that led to WannaCry threatens sale of fresh tech secrets
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Microsoft allows Brazil to inspect its source code for ‘back doors’
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Reddit change raises alarm about possible U.S. government spying
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Shootings sharpen debate on U.S. electronic surveillance powers
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
U.S. won’t halt NSA phone spying program ahead of ban
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
The NSA wants to keep its massive spying program going a little longer
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
10,000 websites block Congress in digital protest of Patriot Act stalemate
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
Congress will probably fail to pass NSA reform, in pursuit of perfection — and Presidential politics
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
Obama’s big NSA privacy report explained in one delightful, short debate
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
The NSA admits to spying on 89K targets — but ‘target’ could mean big groups, not just individuals