@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
Obama says “We don’t want government to look into everyone’s phones willy-nilly”
@mashable.com 8 years ago
Apple's Craig Federighi writes op-ed in opposition to FBI on iPhone security
@kifleswing 8 years ago
RT @_decius_: Why I disagree with nearly everyone regarding Apple and the FBI: https://medium.com/@_decius_/why-i-disagree-with-nearly-everyone-regarding-apple-and-the-fbi-58f4ace4352b#.1gwdlrgp9
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
51% of Americans think Apple should unlock San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone, survey says
@BenedictEvans 8 years ago
RT @DJBentley: Apple presents a very clear FAQ regarding the FBI's order. http://www.apple.com/customer-letter/answers/