@extremetech.com 5 years ago
Australia Becomes First Western Nation to Ban Secure Encryption
@extremetech.com 7 years ago
Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick for attorney general, will likely renew fight against strong encryption
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Senate proposal on encryption gives judges authority over Apple
@benthompson 8 years ago
RT @counternotions: Tale of two companies: Apple fights FBI on encryption, Amazon nukes encryption from its tablets.https://twitter.com/davidscovetta/status/705311217737314304
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Huawei is only Asian device maker to support Apple on encryption issue, so far
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
US Senate panel decides against criminal charges should Apple fail to comply with court order
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Facebook and Twitter join Apple’s side in encryption battle
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Microsoft offers tepid support for Apple's battle with FBI
@mashable.com 8 years ago
Tech giants are (mostly) silent on iPhone backdoor
@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
Why Apple Is Fighting Not To Unlock iPhones For The Government
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Google CEO Sundar Pichai backs Tim Cook over Apple-FBI controversy
@mashable.com 8 years ago
Tim Cook: Building a backdoor into the iPhone is 'too dangerous'
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Criminals aren't going dark, says Harvard study
@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
McCain Wants Legislation Mandating Government Access To Encryption
@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
Encryption Is Being Scapegoated To Mask The Failures Of Mass Surveillance
@WIRED 8 years ago
Forcing US companies to install backdoors and hand over encryption keys to the government would not solve the problem of terrorist suspects' products that ...
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
NSA director just admitted that government copies of encryption keys are a security risk
@theverge.com 8 years ago
Jeb Bush says the NSA isn't powerful enough
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
The US wants to decide where your data is stored