@wired.com 6 months ago
US Privacy Groups Urge Senate Not to Ram Through NSA Spying Powers
@techcrunch.com 6 years ago
Why you should care about the warrantless surveillance bill on its way to Trump’s desk
@theverge.com 6 years ago
Senate passes bill to renew controversial NSA spying powers
@techcrunch.com 6 years ago
In a cloture vote, the Senate ends debate on warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens
@techcrunch.com 7 years ago
Intel agencies want to make the most controversial foreign surveillance rule permanent
@theverge.com 9 years ago
President Obama signs bill curbing NSA powers into law
@theverge.com 9 years ago
USA Freedom Act for NSA reform is voted down in the Senate
@techcrunch.com 9 years ago
Senate Committee Advances Controversial Cybersecurity Bill