@PryvateApp 2 years ago
Ad Blockers: Are They The Only Way To Protect Yourself From Being Targeted With Online Advertising? #cybersecurity #nsa #bigdata #cia #dataprotection #malware #adblock #privacy https://www.vice.com/en/article/93ypke/the-nsa-and-cia-use-ad-blockers-because-online-advertising-is-so-dangerous
@ArlenWms 6 years ago
And you people! (#NSA, #CIA, #DIA, etc. #USIC & #Globalism) are way, way out of line.... You have become the enemy of the very essence of the United States of America.#BigData #4A #5A #1A #NaturalRights #BigBrother #authoritarianismhttps://twitter.com/ArlenWms/status/931988138750300160
@pmarca 9 years ago
RT @declanm: Not surprised @stewartbaker says Apple/Google/FB/etc. "picked a fight" with #NSA--I'd say it's the other way around: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/nov/04/nsa-cyberwar-stewart-baker-cloudflare-snowden